Thursday, February 7, 2019

Afterschool Movies for Middle Schoolers


Every Thursday afternoon the East Lyme Public Library offers a movie and film discussion program for middle schoolers. Showtime is 3:00 p.m. This week's movie is the Disney Pixar blockbuster, Incredibles 2. During today's film discussion we will talk about the character strengths compassion, courage, and perseverance. The movie is rated PG. Free snacks will be served. No registration required.

Incredibles 2 received great reviews. Here is what the professional critics had to say:

It's a great film about the possibility of greatness.
--The Washington Post 

. . . this sequel will make audiences laugh, think, and (hopefully) appreciate their parents and siblings.
--Common Sense Media

A visually thrilling experience.
--The Miami Herald

The Incredibles is one of the year's most clever and visually arresting computer-animated films, enlivened by a well-developed and credible cast of characters who just happen to be superheroes.
--USA Today