Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Building Blocks at the East Lyme Public Library


In the winter of 2014, the East Lyme Public Library was awarded a Junior Maker Space building block grant from the Association of Library Services to Children and the LEGO Foundation. The grant was administered by the State Library of Connecticut.  

Instead texting, this young lady is using her phone to make a stop action movie.

The Library also offers a variety of magnetic, wooden, and foam blocks. While the foam blocks are reserved for baby storytime, the other blocks are available all day. No registration required. Just drop by and build!

In addition to enhancing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) skills and promoting creativity, block play can help children build literacy skills. 

When children play with blocks, they are using their imaginations and making up stories in their minds.   


Children socialize and talk with each other. This helps to  build conversational skills. 

Through block play, children learn new vocabulary words such as cylinder, semi-circle, and magnetic poles.

When children play with blocks, they are exercising their fine motor skills which are important for learning to turn pages, hold writing utensils, and use computers. 

Having blocks at the Library makes children want to visit the Library more often.


Building block programs promote our Library's collection of architecture and LEGO books. Click here to explore the East Lyme Public Library's collection of LEGO books.
